What in the World Will My Topic Be

So I have to write a paper related to letter writing and WWII. With all the free range that we have, I want to go a bit bold. I want to write about World War Two in Greece. There’s not much related that marries the topics of WWII, Greece, and letters into one thing. Yet, the topic seems so broad that I’m unsure how to narrow it down. I assume I’ll narrow it down based on what I have the most evidence and information for. After all,l if I decide to write about something so niche that there are virtually no sources, I’m going to have a very hard time. I don’t want that for my first proper essay. 

I have 4 main sources that I found so far. First is my letter from the last letter project. That was about a Jewish family who lived in Greece and part of said family was taken to a ghetto in Thessaloniki. Then I have the Yad Vashem collection search, narrowed down to letters from Greek Jews. It’s a variety of people from the ghettos and other things. There’s an article (luckily it’s full)  on letters from a guy named Abraham Benaroya, who helped with the resistance of Nazi Germany in Greece. This would be a good scholarly source. Then I have this book called Written on the Knee. I found it for checkout on the internet archive too. It’s mostly a diary about this guy from Albania who was on the war front but there are letters in there too. I have to scout them out.

Based on my sources so far, I’m between narrowing my letters down to Jews in Greek ghettos or soldiers stationed in Greece. I’m not sure which I’ll choose yet as both are interesting. Once I choose one of the two, I’ll likely narrow the topic further, to either one person or one recurring theme.

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